Page name: Pumpkin Land [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-25 01:35:43
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
# of watchers: 28
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This wiki came second place at the 'Best Wiki Award' of May 2006, courtesy of Elfpack Awards


Welcome Traveller!

This is Pumpkin Land, the land of eternal happiness, games, laughter, and.... nightmares

As a self-proclaimed King, I, the [pumpkin king], give you dear traveler, a big bearhug and licks (ewww)

Enjoy your visit.

Enter Pumpkin Castle


A Tribute To Pumpkin King


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2006-01-25 [DRACE]: o.o thanks... but y did u do that... *hugs back*

2006-01-25 [kittykittykitty]: Mmmmmn ya look like you need a hug *hugs again* ^_^

2006-01-26 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *joins all the hugs* wooh hug fest

2006-01-26 [DRACE]: O.O *melts into the ground and moves through the soil like a worm*

2006-01-27 [RIFT KEEPER]: Shadows of sin, the burning light, my inner demon wakes, the killing begins...

2006-01-27 [DRACE]: *reforms and rises out of the soil... all dirty like...* >.<

2006-01-27 [xXxAngelxXx]: Hugs to all, Can i have a hug, I have a cold

2006-01-27 [kittykittykitty]: Meh [DRACE] is dirty now I can't hug yoooooo. *Gives [xXxAngelxXx] a hug and catches her cold*

2006-01-27 [xXxAngelxXx]: Sorry. Thank you for the hug. I will hold my breathe and try not to give it to you.

2006-01-27 [kittykittykitty]: Haahaa it's OK ^_^ Huggles to anyone who wants to catch a cold!

2006-01-27 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: ;p;! *hugs every1 and the tree!*

2006-01-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: ...

2006-01-28 [DRACE]: *shakes all the dirt off of him he can, then scampers down to the lake and paddles around abit*

2006-01-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *joins [DRACE]* wow fun *catches a fish* lol *plops it bak in water and goes swimming* im going swimming soon neways

2006-01-28 [xXxAngelxXx]: feeling better plans some trees

2006-01-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: swimming tis fun!!!!!!!! *plants and hugs a tree* YAY TREES

2006-01-29 [former user#2]: hello *gives bearhugs and licks to evrybody one by one*

2006-01-29 [RIFT KEEPER]: if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around, does it make a sound...

2006-01-29 [DRACE]: o.O

2006-01-29 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *runs away* actually it does but there is noone around to hear it, but a bird might, so ha and ha

2006-01-30 [honey bunny]: wow..i have a prince and princess..hummmm must have been the kings as i can not remember having them....will have to seek out the answer on this one........

2006-01-30 [former user#5]: .....

2006-01-30 [former user#2]: .......

2006-01-30 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lmao luky u

2006-01-30 [RIFT KEEPER]: to scale ones self, is to lose all self pitty and to strive for that one thing you have not got... true love

2006-01-30 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: um true love suks atm

2006-01-30 [DRACE]: *scampers up a wall and across the celling, then drops down the light fixture, and swings back and forth...*

2006-01-30 [Silver_Rain]: hugs all

2006-01-31 [Shatureel]: I agree true love sucks big time.

2006-01-31 [RIFT KEEPER]: it depends if you find the right one, not everyone can be Mr. Alpha or Mrs. Omega

2006-01-31 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *hugs every1 den hangs wiv [DRACE]* true love does suk.its suks blood and taps. not good. at all. who and who? and it has hepnd but it was shatard so it sux

2006-01-31 [RIFT KEEPER]: I take it you have been hurt before, in which case, i will shut my gob and leave

2006-01-31 [DRACE]: *acts all smart and lets go... * O.O *falls off and lands on his tail, bending it a funny way* ;_;

2006-01-31 [former user#2]: *laughs*

2006-01-31 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: urmy ness *hangs and sways* its betterup here

2006-01-31 [honey bunny]: *looks around* okay..whose swinging on the light fixtures???guess as queen it is time to start kicking some royal butt around the place..and as for can be the sweetest most wonderful thing in the world and can be the hardest .most diffficult thing to understand..

2006-02-01 [skullhead]: Ready to be of service, Queen [honey bunny]

2006-02-01 [honey bunny]: Why thank you kind sir...could you please help me wip some but around here?

2006-02-01 [RIFT KEEPER]: a kingdom is never complete, until another king is crowned... thats what I hear, but who would trust a lonely traveler's word

2006-02-01 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lmao hi

2006-02-01 [DRACE]: *tries to strainten his bent tail... with little succes*

2006-02-01 [Shatureel]: Who says that you need a King to run a Kingdom, look at history, there have been loads of Queens whom have ruled without the aide of a King.  As for love, its a strange, wonderful, exciting, heart wrenching thing. I want no part of it.

2006-02-01 [DRACE]: *lets rip with such a fart that makes the sharp rank nose burning smell of decaying seaweed smell like roses... then passes out*

2006-02-01 [former user#4]: ....and it depends upon the Queen if she likes to have his king replace

2006-02-01 [skullhead]: *Personal opinion* I don’t think hi can ever be replaced

2006-02-02 [Shatureel]: I agree with [skullhead], our King can never be replaced.

2006-02-02 [honey bunny]: There shall never be another king worthy to lead here

2006-02-02 [RIFT KEEPER]: you never know, maybe there will be one day

2006-02-02 [RIFT KEEPER]: a reason for you to chose another, maybe one day soon, it will be

2006-02-02 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: urm....well all this highness is very high, but think of the low people....i dont know what that means! wooh! ok sorry. *pokes [DRACE]* u reek

2006-02-02 [DRACE]: *twitchs*

2006-02-02 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *kiks [DRACE]*

2006-02-02 [DRACE]: *gets up and spews on [Sexual;Spasm___x]'s face*

2006-02-02 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *runs away just b4 it hits* MUAHAHA MISSED

2006-02-03 [former user#2]: let's just try to make this land as happy like it used to be ;) *trips [Sexual;Spasm___x]*

2006-02-03 [honey bunny]: I would like that also

2006-02-03 [DRACE]: I

2006-02-04 [honey bunny]: now [DRACE] be good there are kiddies in the house

2006-02-04 [DRACE]: need

2006-02-05 [Shatureel]: [DRACE] Why you always miss behaving?

2006-02-05 [DRACE]: a

2006-02-05 [Shatureel]: *Turns, looks at [DRACE] and shakes head not saying a word she walks away disappointed.*

2006-02-05 [honey bunny]: *grabs [DRACE] and swats him across the ass* i'll give you little miss

2006-02-06 [DRACE]: hug

2006-02-06 [DRACE]: ohhh hit me again baby, harder.... HARDER

2006-02-06 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: um....i was gonna hug u but that just creeped me out. *is creeped out*

2006-02-06 [kittykittykitty]: Yeah I don't think I wanna hug you now o_O

2006-02-07 [RIFT KEEPER]: 24 hours in a day, 24 beer cans in a box...

2006-02-07 [DRACE]: *whimpers... sits by himself in his pillow pile*

2006-02-08 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: omg pillow piles! they rok! *get my own and jumps up n down * WHEEEEE

2006-02-08 [kittykittykitty]: pillow pie? Yumm

2006-02-08 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-02-09 [former user#2]: ok, it's time to make this Kingdom like it was used to be.

2006-02-09 [RIFT KEEPER]: what is your idea of 'how it used to be' [former user#2]?  are you going to kick all us players out, I mean the ones like me and EmO ShOkS, kitty and Drace out huh?

2006-02-09 [DRACE]: *pokes his head out of his pillow pile and looks around, then slivers back in*

2006-02-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *hugs self* i have a feeling of unease.....

2006-02-10 [former user#2]: of course not! nobody's going to be kicked out of this Land. i just noticed that teh time when the [pumpkin king] left the kingdom with his horse Midnight, this kingdom became so sad. [DRACE] on the other hand continue his crazy antics (which the king liked), and you, Sir [RIFT KEEPER], will always be the king's Mischievous Wandere. hush now, Lady [Sexual;Spasm___x]. there's no reason to be unease. i am so sorry if i offended some of you. let's just live life and continue the fun, ^_^

2006-02-10 [RIFT KEEPER]: *nods* thankyou

2006-02-11 [kittykittykitty]: *Jumps on [DRACE]'s pillow pie and starts to beat him up with a pillow*

2006-02-12 [RIFT KEEPER]: *stares at [kittykittykitty], picks her up and moves he aside, says, 'Thats not the way you hurt him', takes out a can of gasoline, pours it over the pillow pile, making a trail to his right side, stands back, takes out his Zippo lighter, strikes it and and lights the trail of gasoline, then walks away like nothing is wrong*

2006-02-12 [DRACE]: O.O *smells something burning... slivers around in the pillow pile, jumps out and runs down to the lake, dives in, not watching where he is going and dives straight into a mud pond next to the lake...* o.O

2006-02-12 [honey bunny]: yes it is time to get back to the way the castle and land were. No one will be banned but it is hoped that everyone can have fun once again and not all random bs jumping from place to place

2006-02-12 [RIFT KEEPER]: *looks over at [honey bunny] with a ticked off look and says, 'bite me miss bitchy, I'll jump where I want'... and with that he picks up a hand full of mud and throws it at her*

2006-02-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *giggles* haha *watches drace and rift keeper with mild interest* =]

2006-02-12 [RIFT KEEPER]: well you only live once...

2006-02-12 [DRACE]: well said Riff... [honey bunny] whats wrong, don't u like to play hmmm? - don't forget, other people greive in different ways, I myself chose to forget most of it... well realy I don't chose, I forget most stuff after about 30mins to an hour *whimpers* -.-

2006-02-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yew do dont do yew have memory loss? i do sumtimes...i say summin, think of it, say it agen coz i dint no i alredy had sed it :S

2006-02-13 [former user#2]: *tackles the queen* doncha worry my Queen, we'll going to have a loooooooot of fun here *licks* ^_^

2006-02-13 [DRACE]: o.o *swats [former user#2] with a shovel, then walks away grumbling*

2006-02-13 [former user#2]: *raises head up at [DRACE]* what was that for, you *@#çé%& ???!!!!!

2006-02-14 [Shatureel]: *Looks around at all the so called fun, shakes head,* I use to love coming to this place, now its just not the same.

2006-02-14 [DRACE]: *walks over to [Shatureel] and gives her a hug, saying, 'I am sorry', hand [former user#2] the shovel*

2006-02-14 [RIFT KEEPER]: I am the true person that Drace made this user name for and yes, my name realy is Riff Large, I had it changed a few years ago, if any of you have any questions, ask my on my house, other then that, don't be rude to my friend drace or I may have to track you down and fuckyou up real bad, thankyou for yor time

2006-02-15 [Shatureel]: hugs [DRACE], I am sorry too.

2006-02-15 [DRACE]: mmm... ty again Riff u jackass

2006-02-15 [former user#2]: @_@ .... what willl i do with the shovel??? *walks around in circle thinking* EUREKA!!!! time for the Pumpkin Land's Treasure Hunt!!!! what do you think, dear Chancellor?

2006-02-15 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *niks shovel* WEEE i always wanted one of these!

2006-02-16 [DRACE]: o.O

2006-02-16 [devilock]: GREAT!!! ^_^ the hunt is on. *wraps tentacles on [DRACE]'s leg and swings him up in the air* i have my partner here! =^.^=

2006-02-16 [former user#2]: O_O good!

2006-02-17 [kittykittykitty]: Awww I wanted to team up with [DRACE] >_< *starts plotting fantastical ways to get back at [devilock], but gives up and trips her up instead, pouncing on top of [DRACE]* Raaaaaaah *Grabs his leg and pulls him along the floor*

2006-02-17 [former user#2]: HEY! that's my wodden leg [DRACE] bit a while ago. :(

2006-02-17 [RIFT KEEPER]: hmmm, and I thought Drace was weird

2006-02-17 [former user#2]: that's wierd!!! i thought he was too.

2006-02-17 [former user#4]: it's not he WAS. HE IS WEIRD!!!

2006-02-18 [xXxAngelxXx]: hello all and bye all

2006-02-19 [DRACE]: no, I am not so weird, alittle freaky and worry, well today yes I am

2006-02-19 [DRACE]: watch as the blood turns stail, the inner life force changes from light to dark, good to bad, you have lost the power, you no longer in control, you are but one of many, you are mine, as I am yours... death and rebirth, begins with a single tear, from that of an unspoiled women... - bye me, Neil R.S.

2006-02-19 [kittykittykitty]: erm... o_O? Very poetic but what does it mean?

2006-02-19 [Shatureel]: *Looks around and smiles* 

2006-02-19 [RIFT KEEPER]: *rolls his eyes*

2006-02-20 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: helloha

2006-02-20 [DRACE]: lets just say my dark side likes to creat poetry, *glares at Riff*

2006-02-21 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: penis pimple

2006-02-21 [former user#4]: damn! >.< imagine, guys, having a pimple on your penis and you're ready for making love. (just thinking of it, it sure will hurt!)

2006-02-21 [devilock]: eewww... and can you imagine the infections that can give to us women?!?!

2006-02-21 [former user#5]: *stands in fthe middle of the castle hall* will everybody just behave and act like nobles here? shame on all of you. the queen can't go back here because of all the ruckus and disorder. our Chancellor can't be here for certain (personal) reason. we need each other's cooperations to make this the best wiki page ever. no more dreaming of who will take over the castle and the whole kingdom. NOBODY have the right to take over. [former user#2], thanks for continuing the treasure hunt. [DRACE] thanks for being the same old weird but funny guy here. the rest of you thank you for always being present here. as for the other "nobles" that are not around, they might get some punishment or more

2006-02-22 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: um....ok...then....?

2006-02-22 [DRACE]: hey, u just cutted and pasted that Souichirou, u lazy bar-fly

2006-02-22 [devilock]: why are you so mean DRACEY?

2006-02-22 [Shatureel]: I would like to know what the F****** is going on here.

2006-02-23 [DRACE]: don't call mean dracey dag nag it >.< and I am not being mean, I was telling the true, Souichirou did cut and paste, cause what he put on here was on the other wiki too... and whats eatting u [Shatureel]? o.O

2006-02-23 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: from where?????????? ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok hi

2006-02-24 [Shatureel]: *turns to [DRACE]* You want to know whats eating me. All the shit that is going on here, thats whats eating me. So what [former user#5] pasted, I do the same, its easier then having to write it over and over again. *looks around* This use to be a fun place to come to, everyone use to respect each other. Now, it seems that its become a free for all. You don't like your feelings hurt, but you open your mouthes and hurt other ppls feelings. Sometimes [DRACE] you can be the most sweetist person I know, but lately you have gotten mean and nasty, even with me and that blows big time. 

2006-02-24 [honey bunny]: *Sits in the shadows crying softly at all the hurtful and bitter words being thrown around, she stands and walks away into the mist*

2006-02-24 [Shatureel]: See now the Queen is upset *Runs after her Queen*

2006-02-24 [honey bunny]: *as tear run down her cheek she tries to understand how it went so wrong*

2006-02-24 [Shatureel]: *hugs the Queen and whispers* We will make it right again.

2006-02-24 [former user#2]: RIGHT! ^_^

2006-02-24 [former user#4]: that's the spirit! \m/

2006-02-26 [honey bunny]: *looks at everyone fighting and fussing..*I just want everyone to be able to get along and have fun is that so wrong? DRACE no one thinks you are useless

2006-02-26 [former user#2]: so do i, [DRACE]

2006-02-26 [devilock]: *hugs DRACEY* "hush now" don't fight. please.


2006-02-27 [Zoinks!]: why can't you just stop arguing over nothing!

2006-02-27 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yeah, we could all just get along and be like, nice and stuff instead of saying all this stuff 'maturly' about the place being ruined, what do you suggest then?

2006-02-27 [Zoinks!]: LETS GET ALONG SHALL WE?? XD

2006-02-27 [DRACE]: back off [Zoinks!] your playing with a big fish now

2006-02-27 [RIFT KEEPER]: well its got to be a FAT fish with [DRACE] being involved, can I get a Hohar?

2006-02-27 [Zoinks!]: a big fish, eh?...all i was doin is

tryin to keep the peace, mon!

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]:


peace peace and peace needs to be keeeepppppppt

2006-02-28 [DRACE]: bite me

2006-02-28 [Zoinks!]: -bites yoo-

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: *hits [Zoinks!]'s left leg with his massive hammer and breaks her leg, then stabs [DRACE] repeatibly in the gut, leaving him to die painfuly*

2006-02-28 [Zoinks!]: what have eye done [RIFT KEEPER] yoo ish moody!! *hits yoo back and breaks yaw neck*

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: *wonders why his eyes are looking the wrong way, so he looks in a mirror and screams*

2006-02-28 [Zoinks!]: *twists yooour neck back..ish better now :] had to take anger out on*

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *hugs every1 all better* cmon peoplees

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: *glares at EmO and says, 'No touching me', walks away*

2006-02-28 [Zoinks!]: [RIFT KEEPER] why can't we touch you but you can touch us??

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: haha a WHOLE lotta tuching and feeling going on!

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: cause I don't like hugs

2006-02-28 [Zoinks!]: i didn't hug yoo. did i?

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yeah we just hurt yew pisicaly

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: hmmm

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: what?

2006-02-28 [Zoinks!]: hmm to yoo too rifty

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hmmmy hmmm hmm hm?

2006-02-28 [Zoinks!]: rifty lol..i like the way i think...

2006-03-01 [RIFT KEEPER]: don't push it [Zoinks!] I'm not someone with whom to far-q around with

2006-03-01 [Zoinks!]: the song!! ahh push it..

2006-03-01 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: ahhh push it, do do do do do do dodododododod od do do do do! li like that song

2006-03-01 [Zoinks!]: rifty i added yoo to my wiki...i can push it as much as i want..muahaha

2006-03-01 [former user#2]: ...and what is that wiki's name?

2006-03-01 [Zoinks!]: fade to emo...

2006-03-01 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yup tist our awesome wikikikikikikikikikikiikikikikikikikikikiki and hard ball dont muk it up or try tew take over butt plugs

2006-03-01 [former user#2]: it's all yours

2006-03-01 [Zoinks!]: lol.

2006-03-01 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: gewd and if...ok i wont say that

2006-03-01 [Zoinks!]: [former user#2]..have you said anything in our wiki yet?

2006-03-01 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: no e hasnt he just was wondering about it not INTERESTED

2006-03-02 [former user#2]: how can you say that? can you read my hard ball head, kid?

2006-03-02 [devilock]: why are you keep picking up on him? *took off [former user#2]'s wooden leg from him and hit him with it* AND YOU, DEAR SIR, BE NICE TO CHILDRENS!!! *glares*

2006-03-02 [former user#2]: i am being nice.... in my way. *grins*

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: its not normal... like some wacked out conspirisy

2006-03-02 [former user#4]: hahaha... like that! ^_^ you have your strange way of being nice. *grabs wodden from [devilock]'s tentacle and wacked [former user#2] with it. don't act so big, eventhough you're his twin I DON'T CARE! *wacks him again* ^_^

2006-03-03 [DRACE]: hmmm... I hate twins... bit like B1 & B2 >.<

2006-03-03 [Shatureel]: Twins, they can be cool. I have a twin brother and sister

2006-03-03 [Zoinks!]: hellllllo??hello? hello??

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: twin bananas.... in pajamas!!! ^_^

2006-03-03 [Zoinks!]: yah..cause everyone says that..

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: says what?

2006-03-03 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lol, i suppose...bananasas would be cool, and the ball head is a peice of poo, and thats why yew didnt seem interesting duhhhh yew eejit

2006-03-03 [Zoinks!]: BANANAS!!

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: HEY! WILL YOU JUST STOP IT, LADIES!!

2006-03-03 [Zoinks!]: what are we doing?? LOL

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: let's see...

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: 2006-03-01 ♥_EmO_ShOkS_♥: talk yew ball head! and f yew take that as offence, change teh name! and um HI

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: 2006-03-01 Hard Ball Head: hello! i haven't change name or whatever. i am me!

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: 2006-03-01 ♥_EmO_ShOkS_♥: a ball head?

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: 2006-03-01 ♥_EmO_ShOkS_♥: yup! and why are yew laffing? yew ARE a ball head

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: 2006-03-01 DRACE: a dick head too

2006-03-03 [former user#5]: well, if those doesn't refresh your memories... please just stop teasing each other *Grabs [former user#2] form [devilock]'s tentacles and throw him in the dungeon* and for you, you'll be locked here for a month and all your comments will be deleted. those are your punishments!!!

2006-03-03 [RIFT KEEPER]: we are the future, we are your end

2006-03-03 [Zoinks!]: hehe

2006-03-03 [devilock]: but.. but ... >.< the Royal Guard start working again?

2006-03-03 [former user#2]: well, that's my job. *grins*

2006-03-05 [former user#5]: *grabs [former user#2] on the roath and throw him back to the dungeon* who's job is that? and who told you to get out and leave a comment? remember that you are under punishment for 1 month!!!

2006-03-05 [former user#4]: tsk tsk tsk.... better behave from now on *lifts left rear leg and mark territory on the Royal Guard's foot* hehehe

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